"Chicano writers from El Paso are the most progressive, open-minded, far-reaching, and inclusive writers of them all."

Octavio Romano

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Regular readers of La Pluma Fronteriza may have noticed my name, Alberto Mesta, Jr., presented as a copyeditor, ideaman, and as eloquently expressed in the current issue, responsible for any mistakes or pendejadas in the issues.

As Ray expressed earlier, we've been friends close to a decade. I had a corridos website, which was powered by my UTEP email. He sought me out and a great friendship was born. Not to say our friendship has produced only good. Ray is fanatical about beer, which means his influence has had a deterimental impact on my pocketbook. I'm unable to order a Bud Light, Coors Light, or even worse Tecate because they are violating the German Purity Laws of 1516. I must order a Harp, Chimay, or some weird microbrew from Colorado. If those snobish beer are unavailable, I unhappily settle for a Budweiser. Thanks Ray....

I am honored to be a contributer to this site. I was present during the germination of La Pluma Fronteriza. I remember Ray discussing the concept of a newsletter focusing on Chicano/a authors from the El Paso borderlands while I was chairman of UTEP MEChA. My focus will be on El Paso events, such as poetry readings, book signing, and things of interest. Moreover, I will post my thoughts on newsworhty items that are occuring in the borderlands. Although the site is focused on writers from the El Paso area, I plan on reviewing and discussing general trends in literature. If you have events coming up, please email me. My email address is elchapulincolorados@gmail.com

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