"Chicano writers from El Paso are the most progressive, open-minded, far-reaching, and inclusive writers of them all."

Octavio Romano

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Jaime F. Torres "Return to Aztlan"

Hi everybody. I'm poking my head out from studying. I'm posting the link to the El Paso Times review of Jaime F. Torres' book "Return to Aztlan." Torres attended La Bowie.

1 comment:

Antonio Perales del Hierro said...

I am pleased and grateful for Jaime Torres efforts in research and publication of this wonderful book.I am a descendent of the Hierro de Cereceda y Olarte and related families who settled San Bartolome Nueva Vizcaya in the 16th century. Torres traced these linajes and their lives eloquently and inspired me to search the Spanish and Mexican Net for these and other notable families such as the Asturians Valdés and Grado who are not rare in historical works. Torres' family trees are superb and the light that he sheds on our varied families' character and experiences are greatly appreciated. I was astounded, for example, to discover that the Valdés are descended from an Anglo Saxon caballero. Without Jaime Torres fateful nudge I would not have accrued such an awareness and proud appreciation for my families Iberian heritage. As a mestizo I was taken aback by his use of the term "savage" in describing my indigenous heritage, I doubt if my sturdy , sober and hardworking grandfather Pedro Hierro Valdes ever saw my wise and wonderful grandmother Dolores Flores Chavez in that light,but I sincerely applaud and recomend this much this definite milestone work.