"Chicano writers from El Paso are the most progressive, open-minded, far-reaching, and inclusive writers of them all."

Octavio Romano

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lunes con Lalo Delgado: Poetic Wisdom for your Week - Rolando Hinojosa, and Chuck Norris

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Before our Lunes con Lalo Selection, I'd like mention Rolando Hinojosa.

Academy 's Choice: Rolando Hinojosa

With all the attention we gave Rolando Hinojosa this month, we totally missed that the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, ANLE in its Spanish acronym, has proposed its member, Prof. Rolando Hinojosa-Smith, regarded as one of the country’s most prominent Chicano writers, for the prestigious Miguel de Cervantes prize for literature. 

"Since its beginning in 1976, the award has recognized the most notable Spanish language authors, among them Jorge Luis Borges, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Mario Vargas Llosa, Miguel Delibes, Augusto Roa Bastos, Camilo José Cela, Octavio Paz, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Carlos Onetti and Carlos Fuentes." 


It's funny who the rest of the world thinks are our best writers, so don't be too much in a hurry to dismiss the veterano(a)s. READ MORE ON THIS STORY.


Daniel Hernandez of the LA Times writes on "Zoot Suit" how it is still relevant after 30 years. Read more.


I caught this review of "Spoken Word" a movie that has a Chicano writer as a character. READ MORE.


Believe it or not, LULAC was been involved in Civil Rights. Here's a story on Cynthia Orozco and her book on LULAC,
No Mexicans, Women or Dogs Allowed: The Rise of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. This talk was in Alamogordo, which can be a scary place for some people of color. READ FULL STORY.


"A Latina writer idolizing a Latina writer, but I admired her (Isabel Allende)before I ever dreamed of becoming a writer, before I even referred to myself as Latina," says  ANN HAGMAN CARDINAL. READ MORE.


 Above (left to right), Lorna Dee Cervantes,
 Ramon Del Castillo, Gloria Velasquez, and Lalo Delgado

Bring In the Lions

The leprosy of our days
Is to have contracted AIDS
Rhyan White succumbs at eighteen,
we shed a crocodile tear,
still prevailing is the fear.

Prejudicial ignorance
remains from biblical times.

We still fear God's hand
for things we don't understand,
we still build city islands
to outcast the scarlet A's
but we're now
the new age of
Easters of understanding
will prevent us from driving
nails of shame through fragile hands
of those already dying.

Come on, bring in the lions
come on, burn them at the stake,
stone them with indifference
and hang bells around their necks.

No, we havn't learned anything,
we are still back in the jungle
and ignorance is the king.

The Holy Dove lost a wing
changing overreactions
into needed actions.

Yes, we can embrace a man
with AIDS without fear
of him contaminating
that embrace and kiss a child
with SIDA preserving yet
the innocence of such a kiss. Those with AIDS are not
to hate and in their tender hearts
there is no love DEFICIENCY.

The SYNDROME is unconcern
ACQUIRED throughout the ages
He would be found among them
if Christ were here today
and He would do more than pray.

                                    - Abelardo "Lalo" Delgado
Note: Lalo visited El Paso in 1999. He was doing a reading with Alicia Gaspar de Alba and Denise Chavez honoring Arturo Islas, Jose Antonio Burciaga, Estela Portillo Trambly, and Ricardo Sanchez who had all passed way in that decade. He had already written a poem on the passing of Sanchez and Burciaga and he had them in tow. While driving Lalo back from a reading at a high school, he asked me for a bio of Arturo Islas. He did not know Islas had passed way or that Islas was even from El Paso. He began writing a poem for Islas, but when he read that Islas had died from complications of AIDS, Lalo decided to perform "Bring in the Lions" which he had written some years before. After the reading, some of Arturo Islas family came up and thanked Lalo for the poem.

Carta Abierta a España

Un cadente verano
vino un xicano
a saludar a los abuelos,
veerdaderos, míticos,
fantasmas con cascos
de conquista
que le dieron
vida al mestizo
al mexicano
y más delante
al llamdo xicano.

Estos españoles
aunque no fueran
abuelos invitados
no dejan de ser abuelos.

Por ellos el xicano
carga una religión
muy roja en sus venas
y ya no hable en nahuatl
ahora periquea en caló
y no le reza al sol,
hoy le reza a Cristo y María.

Todo esto parece ser
una pesadilla histórica
donde el
bailan al son de la realidad.

Qué, España
os debamos la existencia
y heradados están
los dones españoles
de orgullo y de soberbia
O, España
aun que los xicanos

quisieran negar el perecido
basta con un espejo
para que refleje lo que es
y lo que ha sido.

Un Xicano vino a Valencia
y se quedo sorpredido
de ver que ahí
como en México
como en los Estados Unidos,
tambien es su casa,
tambien es su casa.

                         -- Abelardo B. Delgado
The above poem was written upon Lalo's invitation to the World Congress of Poets in the late 1990s in Valencia, Spain.

"Bring on the Lions" and "Carta Abierta a Espana" are (c) Abelardo Delgado, 2001 from Living Life On His own Terms: Poetic Wisdom of Abelardo "Lalo" Delgado. Published with permission of the Delgado family.


(Spanish Edition)
Suma De Letras, Alfaguara Mexico (July 30, 2010)
ISBN-10: 6071104734 

Jose Ignacio Valenzuela (Author)

Pablo Cardenas is a screenwriter doing a project on Tina Modotti. As he reconstructs intimate episodes of her life with her lover Julio Antonio Mellaan exiled Cuban political leader and political and artistic adventures with figures such as Diego Rivera, his research reveals a passionate yet fragile woman who was willing to fight for her convictions and who left a profound mark in the cultural scene of the twentieth century.

(Relecturas Viajes)
(Spanish Edition)
Espasa Calpe Mexicana, S.A. (July 30, 2010)
ISBN-10: 8467017473
Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca (Author)

(Sport in the Global Society - Historical perspectives)
Routledge; 1 edition (July 9, 2010)
ISBN-10: 0415474159
Claire Brewster
Keith Brewster (Author) 

Mexico City’s staging of the 1968 Olympic Games should have been a pinnacle in Mexico’s post-revolutionary development: a moment when a nation at ease with itself played proud host to a global celebration of youthful vigor. 

Representing the Nation argues, however, that from the moment that the city won the bid, the Mexican elite displayed an innate lack of trust in their countrymen. Beautification of the capital city went beyond that expected of a host. It included the removal of undesirables from sight and the sponsorship of public information campaigns designed to teach citizens basic standards of civility and decency.

The book’s contention is that these and other measures exposed a chasm between what decades of post-revolutionary socio-cultural reforms had sought to produce, and what members of the elite believed their nation to be. 

While members of the Organizing Committee deeply resented international skepticism of Mexico’s ability to stage the Games, they shared a fear that with the eyes of the world upon them, their compatriots would reveal Mexico’s aspirations to first world status to be a fraud.

Using a detailed analysis of Mexico City’s preparations for the Olympic Games, we show how these tensions manifested themselves in the actions of the Organizing Committee and government authorities.

This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of the History of Sport.

University Press of Colorado (July 2010)
ISBN-10: 1607320320
Ethelia Ruiz Medrano , Susan Kellogg (Authors) 

This book examines the formation of colonial governance in New Spain through interactions between indigenous people and representatives of the Spanish Crown. 

The book highlights the complexity of native negotiation and mediation with colonial rule across time, culture, and place and how it shaped colonial political and legal structures from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. 

Although indigenous communities reacted to Spanish presence with significant acts of resistance and rebellion, they also turned to negotiation to deal with conflicts and ameliorate the consequences of colonial rule. 

This affected not only the development of legal systems in New Spain and Mexico but also the survival and continuation of traditional cultures. 

Bringing together work by Mexican and North American historians, this collection is a crucially important and rare contribution to the field. 

This is a valuable resource for native people as they seek to redefine and revitalize their identities and assert their rights relating to language and religion, ownership of lands and natural resources, rights of self-determination and self-government, and protection of cultural and intellectual property. 

It will be of interest primarily to specialists in the field of colonial studies and historians and ethno-historians of New Spain.


 The link we share with you today is: Chuck Norris Cannot Be Stopped

Your calo juarense for today is: macetón -
Cabezón; tener cabeza grande
A big-headed person


                                           -- Glosario del Calo de Cd. Juarez, Ricardo Aguilar Melantzón

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